The Seventh Station of the Self

path.jpg If this is your first visit to this blog I suggest starting with the beginning of this series called the First Station of the Nafs(self) which you can find by CLICKING HERE

To listen to an audio recording of this teaching HOLD YOUR MOUSE OVER HERE and click on the arrow when it comes up

Reprinted from Music of the Soul by Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal ar-Rifai available at or

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Tomorrow starts the Seven Stations of the Heart.

7. Al-Kamala: The Perfection of the Nafs

Al-kamala is the station of the perfection of the nafs. When you reach completion in the stations of the nafs, all of the nafs become purified. Here, you begin to live completely in the station of the heart. You must walk through every station, not only in words, but in your whole being. I want everyone to know how to walk in this high station.

I know every student before he is born because God gives the guide the knowledge to know all of his students. When you know yourself well, then you are like the guide. Do not only repeat, but live every word that the guide says to you.

This is only a very short explanation and my language is very simple. To explain fully would take a book for each station. But if you open your heart and walk, you will find everything inside.



The Sixth Station of the Self


If this is your first visit to this blog I suggest starting with the beginning of this series called the First Station of the Nafs which you can find by CLICKING HERE

To listen to an audio recording of this teaching HOLD YOUR MOUSE OVER HERE and click on the arrow when it comes up

Reprinted from Music of the Soul by Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal ar-Rifai available at or

Please be sure to sign up for our updates ( on the upper left corner ) if you haven’t done so already.

6. Al-Mardiyya: Accepting Without Asking

You listen to the voice of God and you begin to see the picture of the truth. You see the world through the eye of your heart and you begin to speak in the language of the soul. You know that there is no difference between anything, and you say, “I am Your servant. I am the picture of God and there is no difference between the body and the soul.” You start to know that there is no beginning and no ending. You become thirsty for truth, and you stop speaking with yourself. Now you listen to the voice of God. Everything inside you changes, and you see that everything is from God, and that it is God Who is helping you to change. You speak in the tongue of God, but it is not yet complete and you must walk more.

There is no more ash-shaitan here. Where can he be? He is nowhere because he has disappeared. Love conquers everything. It conquers the nafs and the shaitan. After this, you begin to know the secret.