The Second Station of the Soul

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Reprinted from Music of the Soul by Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal ar-Rifai available at or

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Our guide Sidi, suggests that after reading each station and listening to the audio, that you write each station by hand.

2. Al-Hubb: The Sincerity of the Love

My brother, my heart, listen to what I say to you, but with the ear of your heart because this hearing contains the Muhammadan presence (Muhammadan hadrat).

Be with me in every quality of your body, of your mind, of your heart, and of your soul. Be the eyes and the ears and the hands of God. Listen to what I say, from my heart to your heart, because you need to listen now to the language of the soul. You are the beloved and you are more than beloved. You need to listen to the words of Allah. Take what He wants to give you from the mercy, from the love, and from the truth. You sit near Him all the time now, soul to soul. You feel no sadness and you are not afraid because He has wanted you from the beginning, from the world of pre-eternity (al-azal), to know only His love. Put your soul inside His heart forever, to be more and more of a holy servant for your Master.

You will see the true face of Allah when you love the guide, when you give everything to the guide, and when you see the face of God in the face of the guide. Then you can touch the mercy from the love, because its meaning has become clear within you, like a drop of rain when it comes from the sky, splashing forcefully into the water. This splash is like the fire, and this fire is what He wants you to feel in your heart. He wants you to drink from this water, to meet your Beloved because you want your Beloved and nothing else. Allah wants you to live with Him every moment because you cannot live without your Beloved.

Who can live without God? If you want this life all the time, you must pray. And also pray when you walk, when you work, and when you sleep. Pray! And pray! Do not refuse any order that Allah sends to you. Leave everything that He has forbidden. When you give love to anyone, you are giving everything. You do not keep anything inside or outside you. You have given yourself completely to your Beloved. Why does God show you this love? To help you to erase everything from your heart but Him, the Beloved. You sit in His soul near the door of love, all the time. You have lost your self. Your qualities have been put inside the Beloved, leaving nothing of you because there is only He. If you love God, sit with your self and your heart with your soul inside His soul.

Do not speak to anyone about what He wants from you, and do not give the secret to another. Speak only to Him because there is no one in this station, only He. You have put your heart in the fire of the heart of God to inflame the yearning (al-himma) of the love inside you. When you burn only with His name, you speak with Him, from your soul to His soul, with the lips of God. You move now only with His order. You are with Allah all the time, to Allah and from Allah. If you want the himma of this love for Him, you must forbid anything to sit in your heart, only His love. This is the religion of God. When you live in this station, you live on the top of the mountain, the holy mountain. It is forbidden to see anything, only His name, or to love anyone, only Him because He has given you His soul, and He has also given you His love, for you to be special for Him. When you love Him, you change yourself to become His love because the love of Allah is the highest love. You are between His hands in everything. You are His holy servant.

Now your soul is beginning to die. It needs this dying because it is changing to live with the soul of Allah. After your soul dies, you awaken and you speak a new language. You can know everything from this language. The language of the soul speaks only with the voice of God.

Give Him your heart, so that He can change everything inside it to be the house of your Beloved. Continue in the way and do not stand still. Remember His name and pray. This is your chance to know the secret of your soul, to be the servant sitting inside the soul of God, soul to soul, with Him. Thank Him because He has given you everything that you have, and everything is from Him. Do you understand what He says to you?