The Sixth Station of the Heart

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Reprinted from Music of the Soul by Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal ar-Rifai available at or

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Our guide Sidi, suggests that after reading each station and listening to the audio, that you write each station by hand.

6. Al-Haqiqat: The Station of the Truth

You are the secret. If you know the deep secret, you can reach Him and sit in the holy garden. In the garden you will find the wine of the truth. Every heart needs this wine because the heart is the tree of God and the tree needs to drink His wine. You cannot drink this wine if you do not know its meaning. How would you know the way of the wine if you did not clean your house? Because He is the Holy House.

There are two things that make war in your heart – the family of light and the family of darkness. Clean your heart of the family of darkness, because many things come from the darkness. People tell you to not pray and to not remember the name of God. They want to catch you and to take you from the garden, but refuse what they want and what they say. This is the shaitan and your self speaking! In your heart, you want to continue to walk in the way of God, but the self (an-nafs) tells you that the way will make trouble for you. Do not listen to this voice. It wants you to go outside and to live in the darkness, but Allah wants you to live in the light, not in the darkness. Leave everything, and open your heart only to God to know the secret inside your heart. If you change your heart, then you are the qibla (the direction of prayer). Your heart is the qibla, and you are the qibla.

When you are in this station, you can pray from your heart. You face yourself when you pray because He wants you to know yourself. When you know yourself, you know God and you reach His place, which is no place because He is the beginning and the end. You can pray inside your heart when you live in this station. You are the truth, and your ear is the ear of God, and your eye is the eye of God. Your picture is the picture of God, and there is no picture now because you are a deep secret. Now you can reach and you can know yourself.

Always remember that you will not reach if He does not love you. First He loves you and then you love Him, yet there is no first. He can see everything in your face and He can hear every voice. When you speak, you should know how to speak with yourself. When you are in this station, there is no body because you have lost your body. It has become completely light. Where can another sit inside you? There is no room for another, there is room only for God. You can live in this station because it is the real life. The guide wants you to spend all your time with Him. Do not lose any minute because every minute is very holy. I live with my soul now. This is the holy light, if you know.

Praying is different here from any prayer before. You now pray in two ways – the ritual prayer for the self and the deep praying for the soul. You live all your time in everything with your soul, but the real soul. This is from the truth. No one can reach if he does not change everything from the outside to the inside, and there is no outside and no inside. Where is Sidi? Nowhere! Only He! There is no difference between you and Him because you have returned to the origin, and there is no origin.

Stay in this life. How can you leave after you know the truth of God? Your body is His and you are His mirror. Keep your body special for God. Do not give it to anyone. This is the language of love, a deep language. Know this language because it is the language of the soul. When you understand what I mean, you speak with God. And there is no voice but His.

Pray, but do not pray only with your body. Pray with your heart and soul. You live now in al-wahid al-ahad, not just one, but all one. Al-ahad is the divine oneness of God. All your qualities in this station are the qualities of Allah because your sun (soul) is rising, and it is a holy sun which contains every meaning. When the sun rises in your heart, you can see everything and know everything. He loves your prayer because when you pray in this station, you pray with your God face to face, and there is only the face of the unity.

“O my God, keep me in this station to pray deeply because my face is Your face. Help me to know, and do not discharge me back to the life I lived before I came to You because now I could not live without You.”

This way is the way of the soul. My Beloved is inside me. What do I want after that? I want nothing. He stays inside, and I love Him and He loves me. The prayer now becomes deeper and deeper. I do not want to live without this wine because I receive all that I desire through this wine. When I walk in this station, how could I live without the wine of the truth? This is the true song. I understand every word I speak because I know my name, my real name. This is the secret. You can know every name from His name. When you put His name inside you and all the qualities inside your heart, you know the truth. My vision is very clean now, and my time is very holy now because it is all for Allah.

I thank my God, thank my Beloved because He knows the truth of me, and I know the truth of Him. He has given me the real wine, and He has given me politeness, and He has put mercy inside me. He has put everything from Himself inside my heart and has made me what I am. I see the unity when I arrive at the knowing. He made me a slave for Him and He has taught me every order and has made me the beloved for Him.

If He had not helped me, how could I know? If He had not helped me, how could I have reached? If He had not helped me, how could I live in this holy life, to know the deep secret inside myself, and to know Him well? This is my God all the time. This is the truth. What are you?

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